Chandigarh Kare Aashiqui

Chandigarh Kare Aashiqui

Chandigarh Kare Aashiqui is a cute AF bollywood rom-com, except that it is LGBTQ! It is soo good that even my (Indian) mother loved it! (That’s really saying something because that generation doesn’t usually understand or accept transgender)

The movie begins with a typical gym bro working out, which is played by Ayushmaan Khurana. I love this man honestly. He’s cute and informed and a good actor. Vaani Kapoor plays the role of the transgender girl who joins the gym as a zumba instructor. They booth look SO HOT in the movie! It is such a sexy, steamy movie haha(Ok, I admit, it made me “feel” things lol)

Many debated that an actual trans girl should have played the part and this might be a hot take (don’t come after me too much in my DMs lol) but I think casting Vaani was an excellent choice because I feel that kind of normalizes trasngender identity. She did an excellent job and didn’t poke fun or make it look gimmicky or disrespectuful (like in Dostana lol)

The movie also has releatable themes of overbearing family with lack of boundaries and marriage pressure. It also sheds light on the whole thing about how in India having a career as a woman is seen more as an ‘optional’ thing according to parents. When Vaani moved to become a zumba instructor her rather supportive dad asked why she’s doing a job when her dad can financially support her.

The movie also sheds light on the whole Hindu-Muslim love affair thing.

There are catchy AF songs and colorful vibes.

I have detailed notes on how Ayushmaan took it when she told him that she’s trans but I am going to skip typing that out as I feel I’d be spoiling the movie for y’all.

Hint: He eventually accepts after lot of education and research and consultation with a psychiatrist but did show a very gross desi boy side of him when she first revealed.(just watch)

All in all its a cute and sexy with fire music and a good message.

Loved it!

