Whats new in the comedy world: 2022 edition

Whats new in the comedy world: 2022 edition

What’s been up in the comedy world?

As you might know I am super passionate about standup comedy. It has helped me so much! See my previous post about comedy to understand how. I know I have been on hiatus from this blog for about a year now so I thought I’ll touch base and share my favorites thus far!

My Top 3 Netflix Specials

Taylor Tomlinson: Look at You


I used to not like Taylor that much for the longest time as I thought she was a “Christian comic” and that’s not my style per se. But then she came up with this new special which was all about mental health and I related so much and laughed SO HARD!!! I also started relating to her Christian stories as well because she talked a lot about forced abstinence and I mentioned struggling with that as well (as an indian girlie) while talking about Nikki Glaser. Following are my favorite bits from her new special. Some are one-liners, some are funny quotes, some are just setups to a bigger punchline that I’ll try not to spoil for ya:

  • The “pinch the panic attack off like a shit you don’t have time to take” bit
  • “You have trust issue babe… well, YOU have a hot co-worker and a locked phone!!..so”
  • [on her dad talking about their genetic appearance]“You and me potato face…these are the cards we were dealt”
  • “I have never seen a vagina - not even my own, I’m christian”
  • [still talking about her vagina]“Actually that’s where I think I keep the bipolar, actually if you find some could you like scrape it out? Just like a mental health Pap smear?”

  • “Women are surprised when they find someone who can make them cum, men are surprised when they find someone who can make them feel genuine feelings”

  • [suicide hotline hangup]“Did this bitch just ghost me when I am trying to ghost myself”

  • “Do you know how embarrassing it is to have your first orgasm from another person? Its like a realtor showing you your own house.” “A second bathroom?! have you not seen this place? You lived here for NINETEEN YEARS!!”,“Yeah well I’m just renting it from the guy upstairs, if I flood it I don’t get my security deposit back”

Neal Brennan: Blocks

neal blocks

Neal has done it again! The new special Blocks is just as good(if not better) than the 3 Mics. First of all it has a very beautiful opening soundtrack and the show closes on the same melody. There are themes of mental health, race, political satire, and so much more! Its another masterpiece! Its funny that he refers to his work at standup traumedy shows. The only weird thing was that there was not much ‘buzz’ about it for some reason. Even after checking a few days after the release I could only find 50 tweets and 10 articles about it. I guess some artists are just super underrated. And in similar fashion here are the my favorite bits:

  • [perfect self-deprecating opener]“Is your life going smoothly? Are you just floating from event to event…because I am NOT!”

  • [on people pleasing/paranoia] “I worry that my final thought on my death bed is going to be?”…..is that nurse mad at me? BEEEEEEP *dies*

  • “No dog is thriving on their own, they are all rescue. This doesn’t happen- ‘hey, how did your met your dog?’ - ‘Went to the bank of America- she was the manager! Now she’s our full time labradoodle’“

  • “Chair drop- transgender -jenga” bit

  • “One day I got home … I got an email… paper email…a letter, we’ll call it”

  • “How! Liberal! Are! You!?” - game show bit

  • [on Kanye]“Since when did we rely on rappers for their emotional stability”

  • [gun control & mental health] “sir, before we sell you this gun, can we look at your browser history, please?… Sir, you have been listening to Lena Del Ray! And have been staring at pictures of your ex. … Sir, we are not going to give you a gun today but we ARE gonna give you a bag of mushrooms and a copy of Ace Venture: Pet Detective”

  • [Statistics about divorce/relationship success rate] “there is 1/8 chance we’ll marry the person we date. and marriage success rate is 50%. So there’s really only 6% chance of lifelong relationship.”

  • “Making donations to the anti-capitalist group” bit

  • [On weed] “is weed supposed to make you violently paranoid for 5 minutes and then you gotta go to sleep? Is that weed? Cause in that case, bull’s eye.”

  • “Both my parents were born in the Great Depression…and they were nice enough to bring it with them”

  • “Aethism is height of white previlige; ‘Hey can we interest you in an afterlife?’ - ‘oh no-thank you’”

  • “Never been married. Never had kids. People don’t like it. People don’t even pity you. They are suspicious. I would get more trust from women if I’d been married and murdered my wife. They’d be like -“he’s capable of love. He just gets *too passionate*"”

  • Relationships are daily trust falls bit

  • “I’m not gay but I have experienced a ton of homophobia …because I have a bidet”

  • [Men/Women nicknames] “the is my friend barren Sarah … she so dry down there we call her… Sahara”

  • “To me, having a kid rn would be like - you’re at a house party, its packed with people, you can’t move, roof’s on fire, basement’s flooding, cops are coming, and you look at your friend and you’re like -“we should invite Brian””

  • “Saying on first dates, I don’t want kids is like saying in a job interview- just so you know, I don’t fuck with computers”

Hasan Minhaj: King Jester


Hasan delivered a brilliant 2nd special(just like Neal)! He discusses infertility problems, fatherhood, race, politics, and immigrant experience. He also does deep-dives on behind-the-scenes stories about his Patriot Act episodes; especially the ones where he went after controversial politics leaders. Like Neal, he also gives himself a self-proclaimed title, but he calls himself a powerpoint comedian. There are hilarious Aziz Ansari and Kumail Nanjiani impressions! Here are some other bits:

  • “Indian Patel Cartel” bit

  • [adopting a white kid] “Hi, I am Bradley Minhaj. I am a proud member of the Indian-American community”

  • “I know this kid. He failed out of the carribean med school, he’s an idiot”

  • [MDs v/s DOs] “A DO’s sense of humor stops at their MCAT score”

  • “Life gets real when ‘don’t want’ becomes ‘can’t have’”

  • [meeting his fresh-out-of-the-oven-baby] “Nurse: Kiss it- its yours, Hasan: ew, its not even done yet, let the yeast rise”

  • “wife: promise me you’ll always be there for me. Me: of course, I need you…for material. Standup doesn’t write itself”

  • [how I knew my daughter was Indian] “she kept staring at me, I was like -‘oh, you’re one of us, you also don’t know how to respect personal boundaries’”

  • “My daughter is second generation. She can choose who she loves. She can choose her major. She can choose whether or not she wants to go to Kumon. ANYTHING is possible”

  • “When I look around this crowd I see so many broken dreams, so many IT consultants, so many pre med majors, so many dudes who work at Deloitte”

  • “Idk what your middle school was like, but have you ever had chicken biriyani with a narc”