Why Greenlight Planet(now Sunking) is a cool place to work at

Why Greenlight Planet(now Sunking) is a cool place to work at

Greenlight Planet is a solar product company I worked for remotely for a year-ish while living with parents in India in 2021.

Here’s why they are cool:

Solar products are cool-point blank.

Its renewable energy. Need I say more? (I could, but I gotta focus on my day job more than this blog lol)

They care about gender diversity and mental health

They really do! There are recurring seminars on how to ensure gender parity. HR makes sure your mental well-being is good. They provide free therapy portal. (I tried, it didn’t work for me in the long run and I’d much rather work with a private therapist but its not GLP’s fault)


They also provided bereavement leave to a colleague of mine in Africa which I thought was impressive.

Or maybe my bar is too low lol, because like I have in past worked at places where I was called to work on a ‘small thing’ while on PTO(that I announced well in advance). Also when I asked this employer about dental(insurance), she gave me death stare(forget mental health support)

Co-workers are supportive

If you are really involved in a project, you would get equally proportional support from your peers. I will never forget the kind of support I was given with complicated lag/lead functions while calculating the engagement of selling agents with the in-house app.

Leaders Lead (lol, as they should, but you’d be surprised)

The leaders have well thought out projects laid out for you well in advance. I am talking- planning projects upto Q4-2024 in 2022. Also if you are uncomfortable and want to switch(departments/roles) or something they don’t judge.

They have free coursera courses

I think for the first month-ish at Greenlight I basically did numerous machine learning courses. Most companies say they have L&D budget and what-not but GLP really comes through. Usually with other companies there is a glitch in actually getting to access said learning budget(technical issues, delays, et-al); but GLP makes it accessible almost instantly(as soon as you join)

The best send off:

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