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Bay Area- Best place I lived in (thus far)

My first time in the Bay was when I came to do an internship at Girls Who Code. Prior to moving there I thought I wouldn’t like it there, given...

Leisure reads: Circa 2018

The summer after grad school was kinda rough. I had to find a job in a certain amount of time if I wanted to stay in the US. Unlike others...


Comedy: Why do I love it? Comedy has been a very important and influential part of my life. It has helped me lighten up in the toughest of times. I...

Clickbait Netlfix

This show was quite a ride! I stumbled upon this Netflix mini series on a rainy weekend which was the perfect timing. The trailer is literally a ‘clickbait’ into the...

Girls Who Code Summer Immersion Program 2017

Spending another summer teaching for Girls Who Code was very rewarding. It was even better than GWC 2016 because I loved living in California. I stayed in Berkeley and commuted...

Girls Who Code Summer Immersion Program 2016

Working for Girls Who Code in Atlanta was my first job outside of school. I had just graduated with my bachelors and moved to Atlanta to start this job. I...