Seth Rogen

Seth Rogen

First of all, I’m in Love with Seth Rogen. Other than his friendship with James Franco, this man can do no wrong in my eyes. This is a review of the movie An American Pickle. I first watched it on my flight from Delhi to Frankfurt. Glad to have discovered it! This is one of my top 5 comfort movies.

The movie starts with a shot of a ditch digger in Schlupsk (Eastern Europe). He sees a pretty woman Sarah and is impressed that she “has all her teeth, top AND bottom”; so he decides to woo her. They have a lot in common and share their hopes and dreams. Sarah says her dream is to be able to afford her own gravestone and Hershel(old Schlupsk Seth) says his dream is to drink sparkling water.

They get married but are immediately attacked by the COSSACKS who are “Blood thirsty, Jew-hungry Russians”

They flee the country for the ‘American Dream’. He finds a job in a pickle factory which is a ‘good Jewish business’ according to him. He wants to continue his Jewish legacy- the Greenbaum surname.

One day there is an accident in the pickle factory and he falls into the pickle brine. He is rediscovered 100 years later in what is now, Present-day New York. It’s been 100 years and he hasn’t aged a day because the pickle brine preserved him. His wife wasn’t brined. He is upset but the doctors later reveal that he has great great grandson, Ben Greenbaum who lives in present day Brooklyn.

Seth meets Seth: super cute moment. From now on I’ll refer to Ben Greenbaum as ‘new Seth’ and Hershel Greenbaum to ‘old Seth’.

Old Seth is amazed to see new-New York. He discovers tech(Alexa, electric scooters, etc), interracial couples, almond milk, macadamia milk, pea milk, (“They are milking everything, you name it, they are milking it”)

Everyone in modern-day New York loves old Seth because of his cute Eastern European accent and his “vintage” style.

New Seth tells old Seth that he’s neither a doctor nor a lawyer, but a freelance mobile app developer. He has been working for 5 years on a ‘conscientious shopping’ app called Boop Bop.

Old Seth is relgious but New Seth couldn’t care less about Judaism or any organized religion for that matter. They have a fight and old Seth starts his own ‘pickle empire’. New Seth tries to get him cancelled multiple times. He convinces him to join twitter where old Seth makes politically charged controversial statements like:

  • “We sell to all people, unless you’re a woman; on menses-in which case: stay in your tent”
  • “Attention sodomites!…” (I will not finish this quote, just watch the movie)

Basically testing the limits of the first amendment and online free speech.

I wont reveal the ending but yeah, its a cute one.

Just roll one and start watching!

(CBD only if have a mental health condition)


Other thoughts on Seth Rogen, apart from this movie.

I love Seth! I like Jewish culture and miss being set up on dates with Jewish guys in SF by “coffee meets bagel”. In the movie he is shown to be an only child and has very supportive and proud parents- which reminded me of my parents. hug emoji

I love his book Yearbook as well! He self proclaims to have ‘Pillsbury doughboy quality’ to him and I agree. Such a cutie!

His other movies that I love are:

  • neighbhors
  • Knocked up
  • Superbad(mclovin movie)
  • This is the end
  • Long shot
  • The interview
  • Funny people

another cool video:

Seth Rogen answers the questions fans really want to know
