favorite viz tool favorite viz tool

Tableau has been my favorite visualization tool since the beginning of my journey as an analyst. I think I discovered it while following a data science course on coursera during my last semester in graduate school in 2016. That course inspired this project if you’re interested in seeing a very rudimentary version of me discovering Tableau.

Over the years my skills with Tableau have grown thanks to my work in bigger organizations where I got to go beyond creating vizzes in Tableau Public and got to work collaboratively with other analysts using Tableau Desktop. I learned how to set refresh schedules and work with data directly flowing from a SQL script as the data source(instead of my usual way of using csv files or google sheets as primary data source)

Howver since data visualizations I created for my companies can’t be shared, here are links to my personal tableau dashboards created in tableau public:

  • Food Tableau Dashboard: Having worked in FoodTech I became interested in designing and styling an end-to-end Food Market Dashboard highlighting core KPIs and metrics(such as Total Sales, COGS, Commercial Margin, Frequent Order Timings, et al). It includes a global date filter to vary all metrics based on date range

  • Registration Funnel Dashboard : This dashboard gives a step-by-step funnel analysis of new user on-boarding process in an app. It shows how the numbers drop at each step and what percent of previous (step) users have moved on to the next step.