Triangle of Sadness

Triangle of Sadness

Wow! What a great way to fight monday blues. I am glad I made a random decision after dinner to go watch this. But there is also the other end to that, in the sense, that I gotta stop watching movies without even doing a little research. Or check for trigger warnings before going. I just watched the first 20 seconds of the movie trailer and was sold. But then again, it would have been nice to do some research.

The move starts with a shot of bunch of male models. The scene with the ‘who pays on date” dance was so cringe and gave me second hand embarrassment. There are pretty faces in this movies, no doubt. Money matters and trust issues are major things that could make or break a relationship. The model couple talks about all these issues as well as the reality of being chronically online(which I am too at some level). But I go back n forth on how I feel about it. What I mean by that is that I love to write my unfiltered thoughts on this blog, or make a funny reel/tiktok, but at the same time I also think I will never enable comments on this blog or make my insta public. Also reactions of (potential) partners differ A LOT! - it amazes me, for instance one guy once said ‘damn! Influencers these days-ugh’, while another said -‘you should start a content creation website or something to do with comedy/spoken word/storytelling-because of all the people who post, you have the most interesting stories/blog posts” (can you see the polarity ? haha)

Anyways. the movie a sharp turn from the couple to the whole yacht/ship sinking (Titanic vibes)

I wont reveal the ending because a) I left phone at home to ‘experience’ this so I didn’t make any live notes; b) I didn’t like the ending…
